
ADA Vandal-Resistant Polished Dual Fountain and Motion-Activated Bottle Filler

Model 1011HPS-1920HPSHO, Hi-Lo ADA, wall mounted vandal-resistant, polished stainless steel drinking fountain and touchless bottle filler. FOR INDOOR USE ONLY The bottle filler requires a mounting plate; either the 6700 in-wall or the 6700R on-wall support plate. (See options below)
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Model 1011HPS-1920HPSHO Hi-Lo wall mounted ADA vandal-resistant drinking fountain and motion activated bottle filler shall include dual 18 gauge Type 304 high-polished stainless steel basins with integral swirl design, 14 gauge Type 304 high-polished stainless steel wall brackets and bottle filler bracket, 100% lead-free waterways, sensor operated solenoid valve with 30-second obstruction time-out on the bottle filler, and vandal-resistant push-button operated stainless-steel valve with front-accessible cartridge and flow adjustment on the fountain, polished chrome-plated brass vandal resistant bubbler heads with integral laminar anti-squirt flow, 1 gpm (3.78 L) laminar flow bottle filler, chrome-plated brass vandal-resistant waste strainers, vandal resistant bottom plates, polished stainless steel back panels, high and low fountain mounting levels, and 1-1/4" O.D. (3.2 cm) waste pipes. (P-trap and stop require rear access) The botte filler requires a mounting plate; either the Haws model 6700 in-wall or the 6700R on-wall support plate. REQUIRES MODELS 1011HPS, 1920HPSHO, BP32HPS & 6700.4 ORDERED SEPARATELY.

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