ANSI/ISEA Z358.1 Emergency Shower & Eye Wash Testing

The standard guiding the placement, functionality, and maintenance requirements for ANSI/ISEA Shower Eye Wash Testing, which was last revised in 2014. In its current form, it is the clearest and most useful tool for protecting workers from eye, face, and body injuries resulting from caustic and corrosive materials introduced by workplace incidents such as spills, splashes, and blown particulates.

[via OH&S]

The standard requires stringent testing to be conducted on a regular basis to ensure properly functioning equipment is being provided at all times if an incident were to occur. We should all understand that compliance is not a once-a-year or once-a-month responsibility. Compliance is an all-day, every-day requirement. Accordingly, emergency showers and eyewashes are required by the ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 Standard to be activated weekly, with a more thorough evaluation on an annual basis. This requirement is established in Sections including 4.6.2, 4.6.5.

In practice, emergency response equipment such as eyewashes and showers sometimes falls to the wayside when it comes to maintenance, especially when prioritized against emergency preparedness equipment such as eye protection and fall protection. It's pertinent to know that OSHA does not prioritize or take a backseat when it comes to providing adequate and properly functioning equipment, regardless whether the equipment aids in pre- or post-incident situations. With OSHA fine increases of 80 percent taking effect in August 2016, violations for inappropriate or inadequate eyewash and shower equipment have resulted in penalties of more than $100,000.

Weekly Minimum ANSI/ISEA shower Eye Wash Testing Performance Requirements

The standard for ANSI/ISEA Shower Eye Wash Testing has three minimum requirements for weekly inspections:

  1. Emergency equipment shall be activated weekly. (Each piece of equipment is required to be activated.)
  2. Activation shall ensure flow of water to the head(s) of the device. (This would be both the eyewash or eye/face wash head as well as the showerhead.)
  3. Duration of the activation shall be sufficient to ensure all stagnant water is flushed from the unit itself and all sections of piping that do not form part of a constant circulation system, also known as “dead leg” portions. (The duration is determined by the length of piping where stagnant water could be sitting before it reaches the head(s) of the unit.)

In addition to the above weekly minimum performance checklist required by ANSI/ISEA, it is recommended as a best practice to conduct additional weekly ANSI/ISEA shower Eye Wash Testing functional checks. The purpose of these additional checks is to fully ensure the equipment is operating correctly and is capable of providing proper first aid in the event of an emergency.


  • Path of travel to the safety station shall be free of obstructions. (This could include hoses, boxes, and doors.) (Sections 4.5.2, 5.4.2, 6.4.2, 7.4.2)

Emergency Shower

  • Shower must deliver a minimum of 20 gallons (75.7 L) per minute. (Sec. 4.1.2, 4.1.4, 7.1)
  • The valve shall go from “off” to “on” in one second or less and flushing fluid shall remain on without the use of operator’s hands. (Sec. 4.2, 7.1)

Eye wash / Eye/Face wash

  • Outlets shall be protected from airborne contaminants. (Dust covers must be in place.) (Sec. 5.1.3, 6.1.3, 7.1)
  • The valve shall go from “off” to “on” in one second or less and flushing fluid shall remain on without the use of operator’s hands. (Sec. 5.2, 6.2, 7.2)
  • The flushing fluid of an eyewash or eye/face wash shall cover the areas between the interior and exterior lines of a gauge at some point less than 8 inches (20.3 cm) above the eyewash nozzle. (sec 5.1.8, 6.1.8,7.1)
  • Must provide a means of a controlled flow to both eyes simultaneously at a velocity low enough to be non-injurious. (Sec. 5.1.1, 6.1.1, 7.1)

Combination Safety Shower Eye Wash

  • Combination unit components shall be capable of operating simultaneously. (When the eyewash or eye/face wash is activated, and then the shower is activated, there should be no “starvation” occurring to either of the heads.) (Sec. 7.3, 7.4.4)


  • Deliver tepid flushing fluid. (The required temperature range is 60°F - 100°F [16°C - 38°C])(Sec. 4.5.6, 5.4.6, 6.4.6, 7.4.5)

Plumbed Shower & Eye Wash Equipment

As a general statement, all equipment needs to be inspected weekly to ensure that there is a flushing fluid supply and that the equipment is in good repair. If the equipment is of a plumbed design, then it should also be activated weekly to clear the supply line of any sediment buildup and to minimize any microbial contamination due to stagnant water.

Self-Contained Shower & Eye Wash Equipment7603_wHose crop

Self-contained, also often referred to as “portable,” emergency response equipment is typically used in locations where there is either no access to water or at highly mobile sites where hazards are mobile.

The ANSI/ISEA requirement for this type of equipment is to be visually inspected weekly to determine if the flushing fluid needs to be exchanged or supplemented (Sections 4.6.3 and others). The units should be maintained as per the manufacturer’s specific model instructions. A majority of self-contained units that use potable water also offer a sterile bacteriostatic additive option to prevent the water from growing bacteria. An exchange of the water and refill of the additive is required every three months for most additive products, as well as rinsing the unit clean between the exchanges. If an additive is not being used, then the water should be exchanged on a weekly basis, at a minimum, with a thorough tank cleaning monthly. On an annual basis, self-contained units are required to undergo the full test just as plumbed units do.

The question is often asked whether a company must hire a certified tester to conduct the weekly and annual inspections. Fortunately, there are no prerequisite or certification requirements to be able to test the equipment, although having a complete understanding of the installation and performance requirements will aid in ensuring conformance. There are various training tools, including Online Competent Person Training, offered by equipment manufacturers and others for individuals to become subject matter experts. This allows company personnel to get familiar with what to look for and how to conduct the tests appropriately. Many companies today opt to have an outside third-party inspection performed for them annually, which provides an added measure of credibility and assurance to the review process.

Facilities that contain hundreds of shower and eyewash units should strive to create as many subject matter experts as possible. Once trained, the weekly checks can be completed rather quickly. Creating facility maps, having full testing kits available, and holding reoccurring training classes can assist in the tedious, yet crucial weekly task.

Worker protection should be a priority in every safety plan and simply providing emergency showers and eyewashes is not enough. It is necessary to inspect, test, and monitor equipment readiness and performance for optimal response.

Safety Shower and Eye Wash Testing Kit

Model 9011 is the new ANSI compliant Safety Shower Test Kit for showers and eyewashes. It includes a 5-gallon bucket with lid and marked line indicating the 2 gallon mark, a shower sock and 3-piece pole to direct water into bucket, eyewash gauge, tape measure, thermometer, ANSI checklist for testing compliance, and testing instructions. All items included fit directly into the bucket for ease of transportation.

Buy Now

During these unprecedented times, this is how we’re managing the “new norm”

As we enter the second month of these unprecedented times, we wanted to share how the Haws teams have pivoted to support the health and safety of our employees as well as serve our global communities. Haws is fortunate to have been identified as an essential business and therefore is fully operational in all regions. While things may not look the same in our facilities, one thing that does remain the same is our commitment to meet our ever-changing customer needs.

Mgmt-Thank-you-webMeetings look a little different as our teams are mostly working remotely and the typical workday doesn’t look the same with many employees balancing childcare and distance learning. While the environment may look different inside our offices, our teams have been engaged with our valued customers to listen to needs and work to create solutions that are essential right now.

Production_1_webIf you were to take a walk down the halls in our Northern Nevada headquarters, you would see only a handful of employees in their offices, but the production floor is working overtime to push orders out daily while practicing physical distancing and wearing masks.

Because of our extensive safety efforts onsite and our teams working remotely, our live Customer Service and Tech Support teams are still able to manage customer requests and provide quick replies to quotation and pricing requests. In addition, our Procurement team is successfully managing suppliers and vendors to fulfill customer needs with no delays. Thus far, inventory levels are fully stocked and all products continue to be available with no delays in shipments.

7603-200-Production-Floor-webRecently, in response to a customer request, teams have worked together to create a portable handwashing station using our pressurized eyewash station base and a gooseneck faucet to serve remote decontamination sites, short-term medical treatment areas and locations without a source of running water. The new 7603-200 Handwashing Station is currently available to ship immediately with inventory on-hand.

For additional product info, please Contact Us.

EWC_Banner_LinkedInAs we think about how we have pivoted to support the needs of our changing market, we also look at the launch of our all-new EWC 1200 Series and its benefits of providing filtered water and touchless bottle-filling options.

We also recently re-released our popular model 7501 Portable Eyewash with quality improvements for enhanced usability.

As we continue to prioritize the health of our employees, we are in a fortunate position to be expanding our workforce in the United States. To review open positions, please visit

Hydration and the Holidays – and a Holiday Beverage Recipe

Hydration_HolidayTips Whether you’re hosting family or hitting the road over the Thanksgiving holiday, it is important to keep hydration in mind. Follow these simple tips to ensure you are getting enough water throughout your celebrations.


























HolidayCiderRecipe To add a little holiday cheer to your menu this year, follow this recipe for homemade apple cider from one of our favorite food bloggers, Ali – Gimme Some Oven. 



























Contributed by Lynne Pierce, Sr. Graphic Designer





Help your kids make healthy choices at school


It’s back to school for most students which means that summer is heading to a close. And while most of the U.S. has experienced extreme heat this year, it’s not only hot temperatures we must worry about with our children’s health and hydration.

Back to school means parents aren’t around throughout the day to monitor their children’s food and beverage consumption. According to a poll done by Nestle Waters, while 88% of children choose water when prompted by parents, 49% of kids have access to sweet drinks at school.

With access to bottle fillers, students can refill their reusable water bottles multiple times throughout the day and forego trips to vending machines for sugary drinks. With the Hydration By Haws® fundraising program, you can work with your school to create a healthy environment for students and the planet.

For more information on our fundraising program, visit

or contact Joanne Benz at [email protected] to get your program kicked off.

Our Most Loyal Friends Need to Hydrate, Too

Photo by Chevanon Photography from Pexels

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), adult dogs need about one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. But growing puppies, despite their small size, drink proportionately more than their adult counterparts. And, on especially hot days our furry friends may need even more water. Help them stay hydrated this summer with solutions from Haws®. Visit for a variety of dog-friendly fountain options.


Shown here is the model 3500D

Shown here is the model 3500D











Haws Outdoor Modular Bottle Filler and Drinking Fountain with optional dog bowl attachment

Haws Outdoor Modular Bottle Filler and Drinking Fountain with optional dog bowl attachment











Post submitted by Joanne Benz, Market Researcher
Make Proper Hydration a Priority This 4th of July

Hydration_4th of July

With the 4th of July holiday quickly approaching, there are many questions we ask ourselves in preparation. Do we have enough briquettes/fuel for the BBQ? What food will we be cooking? Who else is bringing food? The drinks? If traveling, what needs to be packed, and is the gas tank full? In all our preparations, do we take proper hydration into consideration?

Whether we’re watching the fireworks at the beach, the park, or in our backyard, having plenty of fresh water available – for the whole family – is essential to having a safe and healthy holiday.

An average of six to eight glasses of water each day is important to stay hydrated, and if we’re out in the sun all day – eight to ten eight-ounce glasses is better. There are many water delivery options on the market, from one-time use plastic bottles (let’s protect the environment and avoid those), to reusable bottles, and insulated bottles that keep water cool for hours. Dehydration can happen quickly, especially when outdoors, so it is important to recognize the symptoms. If you start to have muscle cramps or headaches, or become lightheaded, you are probably becoming dehydrated. Be sure to carry water with you, or if at an event, know where it is provided.

And don’t forget that there are many foods that help with hydration; strawberries, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, pineapple, and watermelon are all great sources of water, so when planning your food items, be sure to add some of these options to your grocery list.

Enjoy the holiday, and be sure to hydrate!

Post submitted by Lynne Pierce, Sr. Graphic Designer






Hydration By Haws™ – Save the Planet One Bottle at a Time
Hydration By Haws

Hydration By Haws

Earth Day 2018 focused on plastic pollution. This year’s theme is Protect Our Species. Upon reflecting on our oceans and rivers and the fish and fowl that live and feed in these bodies of water, these two themes are enmeshed. Our oceans are such vast expanses of water, but they are all polluted with debris, most of it plastic.

A segment on 60 Minutes covered the pollution on the Midway Island – and not just how much debris ends up there, but how much of it is ingested by the birds that live there. The plastics floating in the ocean are broken up into smaller fragments by the waves, reefs and rocks. These fragments are mistaken by the birds to be food. Plastic is so ubiquitous on Midway that every single albatross on the island will likely die with a stomach full of it. A typical albatross stomach includes “stuff about the size of a cigarette lighter – everything from golf balls to shotgun shells, or chunks of plastic that used to be something bigger,” according to Bret Wolfe, deputy manager of the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. When birds die and decompose, the plastic in their guts remains. “Anywhere you see a big pile of plastic but nothing else,” Wolfe said, “that’s where an albatross died.” Link to segment.

So this year, let’s think about how we can help save the lives of not only the birds on Midway, but all of the birds and bees and all of the other species we share this beautiful planet with. For those wanting to rid themselves of plastic from one-use water bottles, Haws offers several alternatives, like our Hydration By Haws™ wall-mounted bottle filler, and retrofit bottle fillers for drinking fountains.


One Hydration By Haws™ unit can reduce the consumption of as many as 36,000 standard 16.9oz plastic bottles each year! Think how many birds and fish that reduction can save! Haws offers a fundraising program for schools and colleges, here’s how the program works;
Sell Nalgene® bottles with your school logo printed on them. The bottle sales proceeds pay for a new Hydration By Haws bottle filling station. After 90-days, pay for the filling station with the bottle sales proceeds. No money comes out of your budget! Install your Hydration By Haws unit and start reducing the amount of one-use plastic water bottles!


Post submitted by Lynne Pierce, Sr. Graphic Designer


Haws Sightings. We’re (almost) Famous.

Whether you’re taking a stroll through Central Park or chasing your kids through The Happiest Place on Earth, most likely you’ve come across a Haws drinking fountain and didn’t even know it. Or maybe you did.

We are everywhere, and below are a few images to prove it.

Around Disneyland























Throughout New York City

Haws_DF_NewYork_6 Haws_DF_NewYork_4





















Did you know that Haws can create custom drinking fountains? We can customize the color, materials, coating, and much more. A great example is the gold-colored fountain at the Guggenheim Museum, or the shiny coating on the fountain at the One World Trade Center, both shown above.  Learn more here


Even on TV










Can you guess the show? Here’s a hint the answer: Netflix’s The OA (season 2, episode 7)


Even our emergency equipment has been spotted on Alcatraz Island.











The next time you’re out, take a look at the fountains in your path. Find a Haws product? Submit it to [email protected] for a social share on our Facebook or Twitter page!


Haws is hiring!


Our Haws Sparks team is growing! With a dynamic team of professionals from diverse backgrounds, the Haws Sparks team grows by setting the conditions to attract the best talent from all over the world. Haws is a family-owned and operated business that manufactures drinking fountains, emergency equipment, and other products in facilities all over the world. Read more about the open positions in our Sparks, Nevada headquarters!

Our open positions are in departments from all over the business, including Assembly & Production, Manufacturing, Finance, Information Technology, Customer Service, Engineering, and more. We pride ourselves on being a family-oriented, fun, mature team with a mission to improve the health and safety of our global community. Are you the right fit for our team? Click the link below to learn about our team, see the open positions, and easily apply online.

Click here to see our open positions!

A New Year’s resolution we should all be following

2019_1stQtr_Inforgraph_v2 How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Still hitting the gym every day? Getting up without hitting the snooze button? Making your bed before heading out of the house? But what about a simple resolution that is healthy and super easy to implement? Drinking more water everyday should be on top of all our lists as we think about living a healthy lifestyle.

In 2019, let’s all try and increase our water intake.


Infographic created by Lynne Pierce
Haws supports the community through charitable contribution programs

As we look back on the year and gauge our organization’s global achievements, we look a little deeper than the numbers to evaluate success.

Haws has a culture that believes in supporting the community in which it resides. It’s one of our core values – to be a caring organization. This is evident by the various giving activities we participate in throughout the year to engage and help our local regions.

H2018_CasseroleFundraiser_1aws has a unique way of participating in local charities. Every two years team members are responsible for nominating and then voting on two charities to support company-wide. For the next two years, each charity receives a $5,000 annual contribution from Haws, and throughout the year we hold numerous unique employee fundraising events to support these charities and add to the Haws corporate donation amount. Did someone say bake sales and chili contEddy_House-Checkests?

In 2018, we once again supported the Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation and, for the first time, the team selected local charity, The Eddy House. On top of the corporate $5,000 donations, Haws offers a one-to-one matching program for employees. Through our matching program, we’ve been able to donate an additional $1,000 for each of the two selected charities.

And that’s not all! On top of organized giving programs, our employees step up during times of need. This year, many of our Reno employees donated their Haws gift, a holiday grocery voucher, to those who had lost their homes in the Northern California Camp Fire. The vouchers were used to purchase dinners for displaced families.  In addition, we hosted a denim and clothing drive for the Reno Rodeo Foundation.

It’s clear that there’s no shortage of charitable spirits here, and in 2019 we hope to surpass those numbers as we continue to support The Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation and The Eddy House!

For more information about Haws and our team, please visit us at .

Come work with us!

Does the new year have you looking for a new career? If so, Haws has multiple positions open. If you’re passionate about making a difference and working with a company that shares that drive, submit your resume today.

Check out open positions

Haws offers a competitive salary and benefits package. To learn more about what it’s like to work at Haws, check out our story.

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