
Haws Hosted Bring Your Child To Work Day!

BYCTW_29_webThis years theme for Bring Your Child To Work Day (BYCTWD) at Haws was Invent the Future! The event was held on April 23rd and kicked off with children working in groups to create their own company name and start addressing several challenges. One challenge included designing and building a structure using only drinking straws, bolts, spaghetti, marshmallows, and duct tape. Mike Markovsky, COO, and Melanie Mayer, Safety Supervisor, gave presentations on innovation and safety, followed by Matthew Boyce’s, HR Coordinator, live demonstration of eye/face washes and emergency showers.



Finally, each team assembled a remote control car with assistance from Haws employees and engineering students from the University of Nevada. The teams took their cars to a relay lap race. The Super Inventors Company (green team) took first place with a time of 2 minutes and 44 seconds. For second place, the Terminators Company (orange team) came in at 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Even though The Super Inventors and the Terminators Company were the top 2 teams, we would like to thank the Further Future (blue team) and the Create and Build Inc. ( black team) for their hard work!

BYCTW_16_webThe Super Investors Company received Lego sets and medals. The remote control cars from each team were raffled off so that a member from each team took home a car they helped build.

A special thank you to all Haws employees who participated in BYCTWD this year!



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Join us Aug. 28th for our new RIVIVE Bottle Filling Station Product Showcase! All attendees will be entered to win a YETI Cooler live! ($200 Value)

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